Sunday, July 26, 2015

What does the following orange diamond non-lateral marker indicate?

Hazard - marks isolated hazards such as shoals and rocks

What does the acronym "H.E.L.P." stand for?

Heat Escape Lessening Posture

Which of the following is an accurate description of a Type I: Offshore Life Jacket (PFD)?

It is designed for open, rough or remote waters

In Pennsylvania, a person must have a Boating Safety Education Certificate and be at least what age in order to operate a personal watercraft (PWC)?

12 years of age

In Pennsylvania, if not directly involved in diving activity, vessels must remain at least how far from diver down flags when operating?

100 feet

Which of the following is a control marker?

When two vessels are in a crossing situation on the water, the vessel that must take early and substantial action to avoid a collision (Vessel A) is called which of the following?

Give-way vessel

In preparation to trailer a boat, it is recommended that you do which of the following?

Tie down all loose items and equipment

Which government agency is responsible for regulating the state boating laws in Pennsylvania?

Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission

In Pennsylvania, all passengers onboard a personal watercraft (PWC) MUST do which of the following?

Wear an approved lifejacket designed for the activity

In Pennsylvania, if an operator being is approached by a law enforcement patrol boat flashing a blue light what are they required to do?

Reduce speed to slow no wake and yield the right of way

In Pennsylvania, which of the following of vessels must have a capacity plate?

Motorized vessels less than 20 feet in length

In Pennsylvania, children of what age must wear a life jacket while underway onboard boats 20 feet in length or less?

12 years and under

In Pennsylvania, a person must be at least what age in order to rent a personal watercraft (PWC)?

16 years of age

Which of the following is true about water skiing or towing someone behind your boat in Pennsylvania?

A competent observer must be onboard and observing the person being towed

Which of the following types of fire extinguishers must be carried onboard motorized vessels, with installed fuel tanks, that are between 26 and 40 feet in length?

2 B I or 1 B II

Which of the following is an important consideration when choosing a Personal Flotation Device (PFD)?

You can swim comfortably while wearing the PFD

Which would be considered the most hazardous condition on board a vessel?

Not having enough lifejackets

Where can you find the maximum horsepower for your boat?

On the capacity plate

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding general paddling safety?

Maintain three points of contact while moving around in the boat

Which of the following is an important safety precaution when fishing or hunting?

Let a responsible person know where you are going

Which of the following is an important safe towing consideration?

Establish communication signals between the observer and towed person

What should an operator do when attempting to re-board a personal watercraft (PWC)?

Approach from the direction marked on the hull

Since most personal watercraft (PWCs) do not have brakes, what must be done in order to avoid an obstacle?

Apply throttle and quickly steer

Other than seeking medical attention, what is the best treatment for a hypothermia victim?

Slow warming

In general, if you are in a powerboat and an engine fire starts when you are underway (in motion), what is the FIRST action that you should take?

Stop the engine immediately

Of the following safe boating options, which is the best possible method to prevent drowning from a fall overboard or a capsizing?

Wearing a lifejacket at all times

When preparing to dock your boat, what should be done?

Secure fenders on the docking side

Why is it important to lower the anchor from the bow of a vessel instead of the stern?

Avoids taking on water, capsizing or swamping the vessel

Which of the following can be a source of carbon monoxide on your boat?

Cooking range

What is the best way to protect people in the water against propeller strikes?

Turn off the engine if people are swimming around the boat

What does the following orange diamond with crossing lines non-lateral marker indicate?

Keep Out - Indicates areas in which boating is prohibited

What does this non-lateral marker indicate?

Obstruction Marker - indicates an obstruction to navigation

When two vessels are in a crossing a situation, the vessel that must maintain course and speed (Vessel B), is referred to as which of the following?

Stand-on vessel

If approaching an area of high traffic density, what should a boat operator do?

Slow down

Consuming alcohol or drugs before operating a boat increases the chances of which of the following?

A boating accident

A motorboat is easier to maneuver in which of the following conditions?

When travelling against the current

Vessel operators should reduce speed when approaching which of the following?


Which of the following should be performed as part of a pre-departure checklist?

Pack a flashlight and extra batteries in case of emergency

Which of the following may never be dumped from a vessel at any distance from shore or in any body of water?


Why should a boat's gas tank never be completely filled?

Gas needs room to expand inside the tank

When launching your boat, when should you start and test the engine?

In the water with the winch line still attached

Which of the following options is recommended for the general maintenance of your boat?

Only using marine-approved parts

Which of the following is the BEST method to check for local hazards, especially when boating in any new or unfamiliar waterways?

Consult marine charts or ask local boaters

Which of the following should ALWAYS be taken into consideration when planning a boating trip?

Weather forecast

Where would the RED navigation light be located on the following powerboat?

Port (left) side

What type of fire extinguisher must be carried onboard smaller motorized vessels, with installed fuel tanks, that are less than 26 feet in length?


Which of the following will most reduce the chances of fatalities while on or around the water?

Wearing a properly fitted life jacket at all times

In Pennsylvania, personal watercraft (PWC) may only be operated during which time periods?

Sunrise to sunset (day time)

In Pennsylvania, water skiing (or the towing of people on other devices) is prohibited during which time period?

From sunset to sunrise

In Pennsylvania, with the exception of canoes and kayaks, ALL other recreational boats 16 feet or more in length are required to carry at least one of what type of personal flotation device (PFD)?

Type IV: Throwable Device

In Pennsylvania, what sound signaling devices are required onboard a vessel that is between 40 and 65 feet in length?

A horn or whistle, and a bell

Which of the following is a characteristic of a properly fitted personal flotation device (PFD)?

It should be a relatively snug fit

In addition to the wearable personal flotation device (PFD) requirement for all vessels, what type of PFD must be kept on board any vessel 16 feet or longer?

Type IV: Throwable Device

Federal Law mandates that the steering or helm area of a vessel less than 20 feet in length must have which of the following?

Capacity plate

Which of the following conditions were present in over 80% of paddling fatalities from 1995-2000?

The victims were not wearing a personal flotation device (PFD)

Which of the following is a recommended safety precaution while fishing or hunting?

Keep an eye out for other boaters and respect their space

Which of the following is an accurate safe towing recommendation?

Seats should be made available for the operator, an observer and the person being towed

Which of the following items is required on board a Personal Watercraft (PWC)?

A B I fire extinguisher

What actions can you take to minimize the chances of an accident when operating a personal watercraft (PWC)?

Be mindful of your PWC's wake

What should you do if your personal watercraft (PWC) overturns?

Check the stern decal for the proper way to turn it upright

What should you do if you run aground and your boat has serious damage?

Stay aground and signal for assistance

A fire on board a vessel can be extinguished by removing which of the following elements?

Fuel (i.e. gasoline)

The danger for hypothermia is greatest in which situation?

Immersion in cold water

Which of the following is an action that can help survive a capsizing?

Try to right the boat or get onto the capsized boat

Which term describes a vessel that has turned on its side or has turned completely over?


Which of the following is an accurate statement with regards to rescuing a victim who has fallen overboard?

Assign one person to keep sight and monitor the overboard person

If you see someone in another boat raising and lowering their arms repeatedly, what is the first thing you should do?

Assist those in distress as best you can

What is the purpose of a propeller guard?

Protects people in the water against propeller strikes

Which of the following is one of the early symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning?


What should the anchor line be secured to before the anchor is thrown over the side of a vessel?

A bow cleat

When docking your vessel and the wind is at your back, how should you approach the dock?

Approach at a shallow angle, (10-20°) and drift into the dock

If you encounter this red marker buoy when heading in the upstream direction (returning from sea), how should you proceed?

Keep the marker on your starboard (right) side

Which of the following is a nun buoy?

If you are operating a power-driven vessel that is underway in conditions of restricted visibility, what should you do?

Sound a prolonged blast every 2 minutes

A sailboat that is propelled by an outboard motor is considered to be which of the following?

Power-driven vessel

As a recreational boat operator, what actions must you take when in a narrow channel?

Operate as near as possible to the outer limit of the channel on your starboard side

Which of the following is the most important factor when determining a safe speed?

Wind, water conditions and currents

'Safe Speed' can best be defined as which of the following?

A speed that allows time and distance to avoid collision

In areas of heavy boat traffic, how can the operator reduce the chances of a collision?

Assign a responsible passenger to act as a second lookout

Which of the following is a legal requirement for boat operation?

Operators must use every available means to determine the risk of a collision

Which of the following best describes the operator's rule of responsibility?

Pay attention and operate the vessel responsibly

Drugs and alcohol have which of the following effects on boat operators?

Diminished coordination

Which of the following is a MYTH associated with drinking and boating?

Drinking alcohol while operating a boat is not a serious offense

Which of the following is the best way to help ensure your safety and the safety of others when operating a vessel?

Avoid alcohol and drugs when operating

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Who is responsible for ensuring that all passengers are informed about emergency procedures?

The boat operator

In accordance with Homeland Security measures, recreational boaters should do which of the following?

Remain at least 100 yards from US Naval vessels

Which of the following is an example of dangerous boat operation?

Jumping the wake of another vessel close to that vessel

Boat operators MUST reduce speed when encountering which of the following?

People in the water

What does the Save Our Seas (SOS) placard outline in detail?

Waste disposal regulations

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding a pre-departure checklist?

They should be used before each trip - regardless of length

Which of the following is a proper fueling tip?

Ensure that the engine is off and no one is onboard

The combined weight of the vessel and its engine should not exceed what percentage of the trailer's recommended load capacity?


Proper maintenance of a vessel has many benefits, including which of the following?

A safer boating experience

Who is responsible for checking local hazards and the weather forecast before a boating trip?

The operator

What precautions should be taken onboard a vessel during a lightning storm?

Unplug all electrical equipment

Which of the following marine distress signals would be most effective when operating after dark or during restricted visibility?


Which of the following sailboats is exhibiting the proper navigation light configuration?

A Class B fire extinguisher is designed to put out which of the following types of fires?

Flammable liquids such as gasoline

Under which of the following conditions would an operator be required to replace a Personal Flotation Device (PFD)?

It is ripped or torn

Why is it important to always be wearing a personal flotation device (PFD) when in or around the water?

A PFD takes some time to fit properly, especially in an emergency

Which of the following is the SAFEST use of a life jacket or PFD?

Worn at all times when in or around the water